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Basic Usage

#	put jobs on hold ( qhold )

qhold 1442460
qhold $( qstat | grep gwendt | awk -F. '{print $1}' | paste -s )
qhold $( qstat | grep gwendt | grep .sr | awk -F. '{print $1}' | paste -s )
qhold $( qstat | grep gwendt | grep .sr | awk -F. '{print $1}' | paste -s )
qhold $( qstat | grep gwendt | grep hrna_1 | awk -F. '{print $1}' | paste -s )
qhold $( qstat | grep gwendt | grep hjd | awk -F. '{print $1}' | paste -s )

qhold $( qstat | grep gwendt | grep .mjf.17 | awk '( $10 == "Q" )' | awk -F. '{print $1}' | paste -s )

#	take jobs off hold ( qrls )

qrls $( qstat | grep gwendt | awk -F. '{print $1}' | paste -s )
qrls $( qstat | grep gwendt | grep hrna_11 | awk -F. '{print $1}' | paste -s )

#	Just Running

qstat | awk '($10 == "R")'

#	Queued or Running 

qstat | awk '($10 ~ /R|Q/)'

checkjob #####

tipcc status --scheduler

echo "echo testing" | qsub -N testing

tipcc node n2
tipcc node n6
tipcc node n38


Modules that I load

module load CBC
module load htop
module load openssl/1.1.1a
module load zlib
module load python/2.7.10	#	2.7.10 for gdc-client
module load gcc/4.9.2
module load r/3.6.1
module load jdk/8
module load gatk/
module load coreutils/8.6
module load sqlite
module load cufflinks
module load cmake
module load gawk
module load bedtools2
module load git git-lfs

Best Practices

TIPCC has been described as a "fragile flower". It has many limitations and I've managed to overuse it.

Old Local Scratch


mkdir -p $SCRATCH_JOB

in your scripts.

In some of my jobs this seems like a rather extreme response. Copying input files and references is hundreds of gigabytes. It would almost seem better to maintain single copies of references on local machines.

Clean up when you're done by adding something like the following to your scripts.

trap "{ cd /scratch/; chmod -R +w $SCRATCH_JOB/; \rm -rf $SCRATCH_JOB/ ; }" EXIT

I've noticed many times that this doesn't actually work. My scripts usually include ...

set -e	#	exit if any command fails
set -u	#	Error on usage of unset variables
set -o pipefail

so I'm not sure exactly what circumstances result in not cleaning up.

New Local Scratch

New scratch setup does not need to be cleaned up as it should be done automatically.

Existing scripts could simply have the current few lines regarding SCRATCH_JOB setup

mkdir -p $SCRATCH_JOB
trap "{ cd /scratch/; chmod -R +w $SCRATCH_JOB/; \rm -rf $SCRATCH_JOB/ ; }" EXIT

replaced with


Still testing though.

Array jobs

Array jobs call the same script some number of times and the script must deal with the ARRAYID. This is most commonly done by parsing a file listing or some file's contents. The addition of a %NUMBER is intended to limit the number of jobs that could run at the same time. Perhaps this minimizes the load on the scheduler by keeping jobs on hold? In general, do jobs on hold have less impact on the scheduler?

$ jobid=$( echo 'echo ":$PBS_ARRAYID:"; echo ":$PBS_JOBID:"' | qsub -N array -t 1-10%2 -j oe -o array )
$ echo $jobid

$ qstat -t ${jobid} 
                                                                                  Req'd    Req'd       Elap
Job ID                  Username    Queue    Jobname          SessID  NDS   TSK   Memory   Time    S   Time
----------------------- ----------- -------- ---------------- ------ ----- ------ ------ --------- - ---------
1816232[1].cclc01.som.  gwendt      batch    array-1             --      1      1    2gb  99:23:59 Q       -- 
1816232[2].cclc01.som.  gwendt      batch    array-2             --      1      1    2gb  99:23:59 Q       -- 
1816232[3].cclc01.som.  gwendt      batch    array-3             --      1      1    2gb  99:23:59 H       -- 
1816232[4].cclc01.som.  gwendt      batch    array-4             --      1      1    2gb  99:23:59 H       -- 
1816232[5].cclc01.som.  gwendt      batch    array-5             --      1      1    2gb  99:23:59 H       -- 
1816232[6].cclc01.som.  gwendt      batch    array-6             --      1      1    2gb  99:23:59 H       -- 
1816232[7].cclc01.som.  gwendt      batch    array-7             --      1      1    2gb  99:23:59 H       -- 
1816232[8].cclc01.som.  gwendt      batch    array-8             --      1      1    2gb  99:23:59 H       -- 
1816232[9].cclc01.som.  gwendt      batch    array-9             --      1      1    2gb  99:23:59 H       -- 
1816232[10].cclc01.som  gwendt      batch    array-10            --      1      1    2gb  99:23:59 H       -- 

$ cat array-9


Big items missing from the cluster, all mostly due to the very old OS.

Some issues with Jupyter Notebook command line execution and conversion




MySQL / MariaDB

Megan and Megan Tools


MetaGO requires dsk 1.6066 (and parse_results) which won't run
./dsk: /opt/gcc/gcc-4.9.2/lib64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found (required by ./dsk)
./dsk: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by ./dsk)
./parse_results: /opt/gcc/gcc-4.9.2/lib64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found (required by ./parse_results)
./parse_results: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by ./parse_results)

from gotcloud
[gwendt@cclc01 ~/gotcloud/bin]$ ./vcfCooker 
./vcfCooker: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.15' not found (required by ./vcfCooker)
./vcfCooker: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by ./vcfCooker)