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Previously, I had to build Docker images and then convert them to Singularity images on my Mac then transfer them to C4. For large images, clearly this too a while. Recently, the cluster has been modified to allow the creation of images without --remote. In addition, I have found a script that allows the creation of a singularity recipe from a docker recipe.

pip install spython
spython recipe docker2singularity Dockerfile > Singularity.def

With these new bits of knowledge, singularity images became much more useable.

Much, but not all, of what is noted below is now irrelevant.


If you have a singularity image, it is pretty straight forward. iMOKA is run solely through an image.

Passing files into and out of the image is usually done via a bound path. This can be done with a parameter or an environment variable. iMOKA needed the environment variable. Perhaps the code explicitly uses the environment variable.

export SINGULARITY_BINDPATH=/francislab,/scratch

singularity exec ${img} iMOKA_core reduce \
	--input ${TMPDIR}/matrix.json \
	--output ${TMPDIR}/reduced.matrix

iMOKA uses Dockerfiles, but singularity to build the container. Not sure why.

Singularity does not natively run on Mac so building on my Mac is not a viable solution.

Building on C4 is tricky. Normally, you need root / sudo permission to build.

There is a --fakeroot option, but that doesn't seem to work either.

Then there's the --remote option which apparently does.

There are a few issues expected. Let's see.

The build apparently happens remotely, so any files that need to be included in the image need to be in the cloud.

Apparently you need a token from the remote server which will require a user.

I'm using the default server

I created a user with my Google login.

Clicked on my username, then Access Tokens, Create New Access Token, Download Token.

singularity remote login --tokenfile ~/sylabs-token 

singularity build --remote TEfinder.img TEfinder

This worked.

Building on a remote server leaves builds and running instances on said server. There seems to be a limit after which build will silently hang. You'll need to login to the remote build server and cleanup.

C4 is developing a singularity build server.

singularity exec TEfinder.img ls /
bin  boot  c4  data  dev  environment  etc  home  lib  lib64  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  run	sbin  singularity  srv	sys  tmp  usr  var

singularity exec TEfinder.img whoami

The C4 environment makes bash scripts to error but still run?

singularity exec TEfinder.img TEfinder

/bin/bash: BASH_FUNC_ml(): line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `)'
/bin/bash: BASH_FUNC_ml(): line 0: `BASH_FUNC_ml() () {  eval $($LMOD_DIR/ml_cmd "$@")'
/bin/bash: error importing function definition for `BASH_FUNC_ml'
/bin/bash: BASH_FUNC_module(): line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `)'
/bin/bash: BASH_FUNC_module(): line 0: `BASH_FUNC_module() () {  eval $($LMOD_CMD bash "$@") && eval $(${LMOD_SETTARG_CMD:-:} -s sh)'
/bin/bash: error importing function definition for `BASH_FUNC_module'
One or more required parameters are missing.
example: TEfinder -alignment sample.bam -fa reference.fa -gtf TEs.gtf -te List_of_TEs.txt

There are a number of environment variables that could be the issue.

singularity exec TEfinder.img env

Call with --cleanenv until I figure out exactly what the issue is.

singularity exec --cleanenv TEfinder.img TEfinder

singularity exec --cleanenv TEfinder.img env

Not sure why iMOKA's doesn't complain. Perhaps cause its a Dockerfile build? Or simply a different linux core? bash is 5.0.17


Bootstrap: docker
From: ubuntu:bionic

instead of

Bootstrap: shub
From: singularityhub/ubuntu

increase the bash version from 4.3.8 to 4.4.20 and the bash function errors go away. Not sure if there are other differences.

Even better

Bootstrap: library
From: ubuntu:20.04

bash 5.0

No errors or --cleanenv needed. Looks cleaner, more generic and more current.

Building on this remote server, at least using the free version, there appears to be a size limit. The account has a limit of 10GB. Apparently there can be a lot of remnants left that take up space. There was 7GB of stuff hidden somewhere in my account.

Also, a limit on build time. Not sure what the denominator is. Per week? Month?

cumulative build time (17h21m12.795s) larger than allowed (16h40m0s)Build 6218141f4a28720818657ba7 cancelled: cumulative build time (17h21m12.795s) larger than allowed (16h40m0s)

Installing Singularity on a Mac

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

brew install --cask virtualbox && brew install --cask vagrant && brew install --cask vagrant-manager && brew install --cask vagrant-vmware-utility

REBOOT your main machine.

The current dir is shared with the virtual machine as /vagrant.

cd ~/github/ucsffrancislab/genomics/singularity

#vagrant init sylabs/singularity-3.0-ubuntu-bionic64 
#vagrant init sylabs/singularity-3.7-ubuntu-bionic64 
vagrant init sylabs/singularity-ce-3.9-ubuntu-bionic64 

vagrant up

vagrant ssh

singularity version

cd /vagrant/

sudo singularity build McClintock.img McClintock | tee McClintock.out
sudo singularity build RepEnrich2.img RepEnrich2 | tee RepEnrich2.out
sudo singularity build SQuIRE.img SQuIRE | tee SQuIRE.out
sudo singularity build TEfinder.img TEfinder | tee TEfinder.out
sudo singularity build TEtools.img TEtools | tee TEtools.out
sudo singularity build TEtranscripts.img TEtranscripts | tee TEtranscripts.out
sudo singularity build xTea.img xTea | tee xTea.out

vagrant destroy

Old or failed

sudo singularity build GeneTEFlow.img GeneTEFlow | tee GeneTEFlow.out

So the current working dir is shared with vagrant, so

2.24	Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus)
2.25	Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak)
2.26	Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus)
2.27	Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark)
2.28	Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver)  <------ Nothing newer?
2.29	Ubuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish)
2.30	Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo)
2.31	Ubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine)
2.32	Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)
2.33	Ubuntu 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla)
2.34	Ubuntu 21.04 (Hirsute Hippo)
2.35	Ubuntu 21.10 (Impish Indri)
2.36	Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)

Singularity on AWS Instance

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install -y \
    build-essential \
    libseccomp-dev \
    pkg-config \
    squashfs-tools \
    cryptsetup \
    curl wget git 

sudo apt-get -y autoremove

export GOVERSION=1.17.3 OS=linux ARCH=amd64  # change this as you need

wget -O /tmp/go${GOVERSION}.${OS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz \${GOVERSION}.${OS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf /tmp/go${GOVERSION}.${OS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz

echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

git clone
cd singularity

git checkout v3.8.4

cd ./builddir
sudo make install

sudo chmod o+r /usr/local/etc/singularity/capability.json

singularity --version

20240912 - Install Singularity on Mac

Install Lima

with MacPorts ( doesn't seem to actually work )

sudo port install lima

or Homebrew

bash -c "$( curl -fsSL )"

(echo; echo 'eval "$(/usr/local/bin/brew shellenv)"') >> $HOME/.bash_profile
eval "$(/usr/local/bin/brew shellenv)"

brew install lima


#	Enable ssh. System Preferences > Sharing > Remote Login

#	This all worked on my newest mac but I can't get passed the ssh test on my older mac

#	Not entirely sure why, but the macports version always fails 
#	INFO[0024] [hostagent] Starting QEMU (hint: to watch the boot progress, see "/Users/jake/.lima/singularity-ce/serial*.log") 
#	INFO[0024] SSH Local Port: 51582                        
#	INFO[0024] [hostagent] Waiting for the essential requirement 1 of 4: "ssh" 
#	INFO[0034] [hostagent] Waiting for the essential requirement 1 of 4: "ssh" 
#	INFO[0122] [hostagent] Waiting for the essential requirement 1 of 4: "ssh" 
#	INFO[0210] [hostagent] Waiting for the essential requirement 1 of 4: "ssh" 
#	INFO[0298] [hostagent] Waiting for the essential requirement 1 of 4: "ssh" 
#	INFO[0385] [hostagent] Waiting for the essential requirement 1 of 4: "ssh" 
#	INFO[0473] [hostagent] Waiting for the essential requirement 1 of 4: "ssh" 
#	INFO[0560] [hostagent] Waiting for the essential requirement 1 of 4: "ssh" 
#	FATA[0623] did not receive an event with the "running" status 

limactl start ./singularity-ce.yml

limactl shell singularity-ce

#	Or

limactl shell singularity-ce singularity run library://alpine

limactl stop singularity-ce

limactl delete singularity-ce

Lima looks like it can also be installed with MacPorts, which is my favored package manager. I have yet to try this, but it should only change the initial portion of this install.

Extract the definition file used to create the singularity image

If it was originally a singularity image, it is helpful. If it was originally a docker image, it isn't.

cat /.singularity.d/Singularity 

Even with the definition file, it may not be rebuildable. Too many external entities.